down the bottom of the garden

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I'm back

I used to have a blogger account and deleted as I had too many blogs and it was too slow on the computer I used to use :)
But now the blogger bug has got to me again... so I'm back.
I wanted pink, but the pink templates suck. So this will do. I've just spent the night becoming more computer literate and figuring out stuff. Hooray.


At 12:56 AM, Blogger jeffrey said...

"I mostly prefer my own company to that of others. A bit of an idealist, blind optimist and a 'hippie'"

Good on you! That would describe most of the people I know as friends including myself and my wife.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger faerie said...

Looks like I'm in good company then ;)

At 7:25 AM, Blogger butercup said...


Not that I ever saw your old blog(s?) but welcome back :)

Thanks for linking me btw - here's me being gratified :)



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