down the bottom of the garden

Friday, January 05, 2007


Things I can't do without electricity:

-watch the cricket
-charge my phone
-have a warm shower
-check my email, bus times or blog
-turn the lights on
-listen to music
-cook food
-use the washing machine
-see the Ashes series be won 5-0 for the first time in 85 years! Or see McGrath, Langer of Warne's last test! BAH

Things I can do without electricity:

-clean my room
-write a list
-read a book
-have a cold shower
-handwash my clothes
-watch electricians install new light fittings
-sing a song
-sleep ... wait, no there's that drilling again

Just would have been good to have more than 15 minutes warning... enough whinging...


At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Laura :(

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Andre Veloux said...

Some of us would rather NOT watch the cricket for understandable reasons. O hope Warne and McGraths retirements are long with no thoughts of comebacks

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Kel said...

Geez, I stop visiting your blog for a few weeks due to the crushing disapointment I suffer everytime I'd come and there were no updates, then I come and you've written five billion! Give or take a few.
I should have figured really, considering uni is over for you for the time being.

Hey, random question, do you happen to know what will be going on with Fi's house over the next year? I was just wondering if she'll still have the place when I get back and whether she'll have the rooms taken, because I won't have anywhere to live when I get back in July. I'll send her an email one day, just thought I'd ask while I was here in case you have some inside info.


At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

laura, Laura, no blogs for a week!!
and yes I think you have many more hits since I last looked...I was hoping to be number 1000 but now its at 1030!!!!
WHy do they bother as you never say anything? :)

At 12:36 AM, Blogger Kel said...



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